Kog'Maw builds by machine learning. Get the optimal builds for Kog'Maw, view Kog'Maw guides written by other players or create your own guides.
KogMaw Builds [1119] combine precision runes and full damage items with a shooting style to create some of the most difficult to play champions in League of Legends. Here you will find the best items and runic constructions for Kog Maw as determined by calculations from thousands of games of the League of Legends. AD Rune Page Kogmaw is a powerful item-top build with full AP damage and maximum attack speed for professional players to enhance the abilities, summoning spells and the latest Kogs combination abilities and abilities for League of Legend.
KogMaw is one of the few Champions in the League of Legends that works best with pure attack damage and skill building. KogMaws build has a win rate of 11.19% and a best pick rate of 52.65% (17% higher) and a spell rate of 0.29% (lowest). Percentage shows opposing champions against Kog Maw in ADC-Plat games.
KogMaw is known to be one of the strongest Hyper Carriers in League of Legends, not to mention so much damage in the end game that he can inflict huge damage to carry throughout the game. In this case, here are the best Kog Maw builds based on meta-level and gameplay. The League of Legends video showcasing this build of Silkey14 can be found on KogMaws Player Showmaker from Team Challenger.

"KogMaw has a lot of range and attacking speed but he leaves us nothing to stop him and doesn't do a lot of damage at the start of the game, so we have an advantage here. The best KogMaws rune position is the primary path and A the secondary path. From season 11 onwards, KogsMaw plays best in Bot Lane, where he sits in patch 1.17 with a win percentage of 51.68%.
Challengers to Grec have found a way to build KogMaw as a tank, and it is robust enough to do enormous damage. His W is what you have to be afraid of as it gives him one of the highest auto attack ranges in the game and boosts his attack speed. Secondary runes like Doublift pick him up with Nimbus Cloak and Gathering Storm.
S damage in the early game comes from bio, Arcane Barrage W and Lethal Tempo. "KogMaw is not a big problem against Lucian in the early game because he does not increase his attacking speed very fast. Play him as an ADC, beginner or sole entertainer in each of your games in season 11.
Exploit their weakness in the early game to render KogMaw useless and become the monster he is in the late game. You should let him burst so that he reacts in the late game. If you don't see him, it's either Kog or Lulu in the track, so I'll talk about the basis for that.
Nobody peels off KogMaw because he's a hard-to-play champion. The classic ADCs say Doublift should play him for lightning and thunder. In the early to mid-game he is too weak to push.
Chamion's upcoming VFX update will give KogMaw a sharp artillery and a better edge indicator to visualize the effective range of capabilities. Similar to the game, Kog Maw starts things by driving up a hill. After 8 seconds, Kog's basic attack gains 130 / 150 / 170 / 190 / 210 range and deals 3 / 375 / 45 / 525 (6 f / 1) to the target for maximum Health bonus and magic damage.
Increase the speed of the lanes and manage KogMaw with lungs and temps. The Great, the increased speed increases the speed and lanes farm KogGmaw and Lunden.

As the match progresses, it is best to get the maximum out of it and have a strong ability to build a lead and dominate your opponent. DoubleLifts are Guinsoos Rageblade, Kraken Slayer and Phantom Dancer. Gather the Storm is a nice free performance upgrade for this build.
Damage to an opposing champion increases mana regeneration by 15% (11% of base mana) per second and reduces rangefinder effectiveness by 80% for 4 seconds. Attacking a champion while this effect is active increases its duration by 6 seconds.